Robert Mustard Sensei Seminar – November

The Meikyokai Aikido club is holding a seminar with Sensei Robert Mustard 7th Dan Yoshinkan Aikido on November 7th and 8th at the Dartford Judo Centre in Kent. The seminar is an open event and would be of interest to all students of Aikido regardless of style.

Mustard Sensei is one of the leading exponents of Aikido in the world today having spent 10 years in Japan. In 1991 Mustard Sensei was appointed Itaku Shidoin by Shioda Kancho and remained the Chief Foreign Instructor at the Yoshinkan Hombu Dojo until he moved back to Canada in 1995

This is a great opportunity to train with one of the best aikidoka in the world today, so don’t miss out!

For more details, please download the PDF document available here with all the details on the course, please note that proof of insurance will be required and this can be provided at a minimal cost. (NB. This would be insurance with the BAB).

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