Aikido camp 25th March – 29th March 2009

Igarashi Kazuo Shihan 7th Dan Aikikai
Kyoushi, Tenshin Shoden Katori Shintoryu

We are pleased to announce that tickets have now gone on sale for this event, see website for more information and to purchase your tickets.
Ticket holders will also benefit from fast-track entry to the event.
We expect this course to be extremely well attended and recommend booking as early as possible to avoid disappointment.
This course, set over several days, promises to be something quite special and we expect students from all over the world to attend.
The course will cover all aspects of Aikido including bokken and Jo waza.

Please refer to the course poster or website for more information on practice times Click here for course website.
Although you do not need to pay in advance for this course we recommend that you download the registration information and complete the booking form prior to arrival to save time.
To download the booking form in Microsoft format Click Here
To download the booking form in Adobe PDF format Click Here

Venue: Pill Dojo. The Poplars, Bristol. BS20 0DH
University of Bath. New Village Site. Claverton Down, BATH, BA2 7AY

£15 for 1 day (Wed, Thurs, Fri)
£30 for 1 day (Sat or Sun)
£50 for 2 days (Sat & Sun)
£65 for 3 days (Fri, Sat, & Sun)
£75 for full course (Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun)

If you have any further questions please e-mail on or call on +44 7775 610 464. For more information and for further posters and registration forms visit

About Igarashi Shihan:
IGARASHI Kazuo Shihan is currently dojo-cho of Aikido Igarashi Dojos with the headquarters based in Hashimoto. Currently teaching in half a dozen dojos in the greater Tokyo area. Igarashi Sensei started his Aikido career back in 1964 at Meiji University under Kobayashi Yasuo Shihan. He later entered Kobayashi Dojos as a live in student in 1973. Igarashi Sensei went on to become a professional Aikido instructor and in 1978 was invited to teach in Sweden and Finland. In 1983 Igarashi Sensei established his first dojo in Hashimoto. Igarashi sensei was awarded his 7th Dan in 2000 and now teaches all over the world including Finland, Sweden, China, Canada, Perth. We are very proud to invite Igarashi sensei to teach in the UK

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